Here are the remaining photos from The Wise Guys and Graham Colton. I still have some shots from sumo wrestling at work (seriously) and a couple pictures from Kenzie's prom to sort through. I'm really hoping to take Chenin's challenge tomorrow and get completely caught up on ALL of my photos that need editing. Stop back tomorrow night to see what I've been over looking every day on my way to work!
Amanda needs to start shooting more...this shot rocks!
Nice shots, look even better know that I picked up a Spyder and calibrated my monitor. Take it easy. Still thinking about that shake. Will from Cali.
Nice shots, look even better know that I picked up a Spyder and calibrated my monitor. Take it easy. Still thinking about that shake. Will from Cali.
I smell blues?
Bro, thanks so much for coming to our show. Your shots are so amazing! Hey, you wanna go to every show with us from now on??? You rock!
Brad McPherson
The Wise Guys
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