Friday, December 3, 2010

karsyn laine: three months!!

a few days ago karsyn turned three months!! time is FLYING by to say the least and with amanda headed back to work full time things are even crazier around here! karsyn and i spent our first full night alone the other day and did some major all hours of the night. she's changing so much every day! here she is at three months!! happy holidays!!

also, stay tuned. we'll be rebranding over the winter with a whole new web blog for you guys to check out. the old links will take you there, but be sure to update your rss feeds when the new site rolls out!! exciting times!!

karsyn laine: two months old!!

so we're bad bloggers. i know. but with the holidays, a new born, and crazy schedules it's just hard. we're trying however!! here are karsyn's two month old pictures!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

the kannowski's: orr family farm!!

today amanda and i captured some great moments taking karsyn to the orr family farm here in moore, so she could pick out her first pumpkin for halloween. a new tradition started!

she loved the horsy!

my beautiful girls!

awww :) (i couldn't see)

we had a nice man ask us to grab a family photo!

amanda's fav!

quit it daddy!

she did so good up against that prickly hay...

for a minute.

she's crying but i love this!

my favorite! and the last of the day :)