The rain cleared, the skys were blue, and my Nikon was ready for some photo excellence this afternoon. I'm really glad that I dragged my lazy ass out of the house because I got some cool pics and had a blast talking to myself. Anyway, as I said before it's only 2.2 miles from my driveway to my day job. Day job you say? Yeah, you all need to make me so busy that I don't have to have one of those anymore! Here are some things that I pass on a daily basis and some others that just happened to be there as I passed.
I didn't even have to hop in the car for this. I shred a lot on my you can see it's been around the block. I'm fully confident that the wheels don't even turn.

I started driving as I would in the morning and came across these incredible birthday balloons. Either some little kid is crying because their mom threw these out the window of the apartment complex they live or it really wasn't their birthday. Regardless, these were helium which makes them awesome for cutting loose and watching them fly away. Actually, now that I mock them. Thinking back I didn't do that either after I took these...

Then I headed into the local laundry mat. Thank god we have our own washer and dryer. I asked a young girl if I could take a picture of her clothes spinning. She gave me a thumbs up, I said cool, she continued swearing like a sailor at whoever was on the other end of her cell phone, and then we both went on our merry ways.

One thing I see a lot of on my way to work is construction. Thank God I don't drive far. This was on the front of one of the construction vehicles. I'm not sure what it does, but it looks sweet.

I then walked through the torn up road across some clay. Not such a hot idea after it rains. We don't have hardcore gnarly clay in MI so I didn't know it would do this to my flip flops.

It was worth the 20 minutes it took me to scrape the thick muddy red concoction off the soles because I grabbed two pretty rad of which I love!


I'm yet to go through the sumo pictures. They sound really fun don't they? The events were less than entertaining in all honesty which is probably why I'm less then enthused about looking at them. Maybe I won't.
I had another shake tonight. It was greatness, but my belly will start hanging over my pants if I go at it at this pace. What do you think about the new logo combo?