mua: rachel hart

i love that amanda and i see things a little differently. me!!


i look like a GIANT haha!!

this seems to be amanda's signature shooting style

while we were waiting for cassidy to change i found an inch worm. he was my buddy :) and then i dropped him. like 89574395874395743 inch worm stories. poor guy. he survived though!!

#17 is my favorite! It looks like something off of a children's storybook.
yayayayay! I'm on your blog, how cool! We definitely want to work with you again in the future... how's that bridal thing goin? :)
thanks x100000000 for the best senior shoot ever!
This girl is beauttttiffulll. You guys did a great, but I know it makes the job so easy when you have such an adorable subject!
BEAUTIFUL girl and photos, too! Great work!
She is beautiful. You are so talented!
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