we waited outside the keebler elves house for cookies, but they never came. we bought fudge downtown instead...

one of countless michigan harbors

we saw all kinds of wildlife, including lots of deer :) there's a fawn hiding behind his momma in this one. gotta love fawn spots!

and we took a drive along 20 miles of some of the most beautiful highway our country has to offer. a complete canopy of trees along the lake michigan coastline.

the small version of this picture doesn't do it justice at all. this will make an amazing canvas!!

and what do the kannowski's do at the airport during layovers?

weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! i look like puff the magic dragon...

I'm sold...I'm going to Michigan. As soon as I'm not working a full time job, doin picture stuff, and going to school full time...guess that could be a while huh? Love the pics...I want to see the tree one on canvas too :)
Have you submitted this to Michigan.org? They are looking for guest bloggers with stories, photos, or video of Michigab stuff.
Are you using Photoshop or Picnik on your shots. They look wonderful.
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