i'm totally throwing myself under the bus here. up until about a year and a half ago i always stayed in tip top shape. i played every sport imaginable, ran, lifted weights, and used a little help along the way. i started taking a product called 'no-xplode' to be able to maintain the lifestyle i'd been living. 50+ hour work weeks, 8-10 mile runs and an hour on the weights daily, all while only getting about 4 hours of sleep a night. it just couldn't be done. i began waking up in the middle of the night with heart rates in the 180's. yeah. not good. multiple trips to the ER only to be told i'm healthy as a horse and there's definitely nothing wrong with me, so i got scared. i'll admit it. i took a break and started to focus on other areas of my life. exercising and eating right were replaced by other things (not complaining) and has led me to this.
p90x. you've all heard about it. you've seen the infomercials. you've probably even searched the internet for results wondering for yourself if it really works. maybe you know somebody who's done it? maybe you don't? and if you did, did they stick to it? did you see the results?
i told my wife i'd be throwing myself under the bus because i knew once i did you'd all be stopping back for updates, so this was going to make me commit. and by commit i mean 100% commitment. i'll be updating this EVERY TWO WEEKS so you guys can see the results and so i can hold myself accountable. none of the photos will include any kind of tom foolery photoshop magic other than sizing and sharpening for the web.
day one: p90x 5'8" 165 lbs.
you'll do great! i've heard it really works...so as long as you stick to it, i'm sure you'll get the results you're hoping to get! good for you, bryan! oh, and the heart-racing thing is freaky. i've had it, too...and actually went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack...and they told me i had anxiety. which is weird...but at least it wasn't a heart attack!
I remember long ago you told me to stop taking hydroxy-cut. It helped me cut weight a little bit for some time, but it wasn't worth the same experiences that you were having also. I remember throwing up blood in the parking lot of Walmart from ?Ulcers? from it? Heightened heart rates that almost made me go to the ER too.
As a bit of encouragement... I will follow along with you on this, but I won't be doing P90x... I'll be doing a 6 day a week work out from crossfit to personal regimines. I already cut from 212 to 184(current) for the Air Force. I have a month and a half till basic... so maybe we can be distant work out buds haha.
Woohoo!!!! you go man. Craig is looking at getting p90x as well, and one of my god girl friends is using it -- sucessfully!!! ;D
So keep it up -i'll be sure to keep checking back for your progress report. ;D
I cant wait to see the updates!
Good Luck B!
my hubby and i want p90x badly. looking forward to seeing your updates!!
#FAIL! :)
My brother had some roommates who tried this, and as long as you stick through to it completely, it does create a big difference. Best of luck to you Bryan!
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