about a month ago amanda and i had been told about a small town north east of oklahoma city that had been settled back when oklahoma first became a state. a few people we talked to about it called it a "ghost town!" this we gotta see!! i did some research and found it on a map. literally in the middle of no where and supposedly a 20 person population...i began to get more and more excited. i even decided we'd incorporate it into our shoot next week and went ahead and made the coolest "treasure map" you've ever laid eyes on.

fallis, ok. FAIL.

we drove down windy one lane dirt roads with no names, crossed the sketchiest bridge known to man...seriously. this thing crossed a river about 50ft up and was hardly foot traffic safe. i'm honestly shocked we made it across safely once let alone twice. nails pushed out of every board, it had huge gaps, made loud noises, and swayed from just me walking on it.

a ghost town? if you consider one building, two trailers, and three houses a ghost town...
a cool place for a portrait session? probably. worth the hour drive? nope. shooting there next week? nope.
amanda and i laughed all the way there and back. it was a great day for an adventure and no matter what situation you put us in we always have a great time! we pulled over a couple times so i could grab a couple pictures. you've probably noticed i love trees!

and we stopped at "pops" for dinner where i was very very bad.
first pop in over 4 months. and of the 1000+ bottled selection, we strangely ended up with the same brand. p90x went out the window once i got a hold of a double decker burger, fries, and a double fudge shake. i know.

amanda grabbed this of me while we were waiting for our food. no photoshop trickery here folks. those are my real pearly whites :D

i know some of you were as excited about the town as we were prior to seeing it. that said, don't waste your gas. as for the shoot next wednesday...it's going to be AMAZING!!