aubrey is quite the little poser and had a blast being in front of the camera. i love love love love love love (like the song) this shot!! i wish i were five and carefree again!! we may talk to ang to see if we can borrow her again for an afternoon and shoot some promo stuff with her!

cameron, like any other celebrity wasn't all that interested in having her photo taken over and over again. i forgot how fast and curious you are at two. cute as bug!! the little girl in her hand getting the ride of her life is also "aubrey" named after her big sis of course :)

wonderful! Especially the first one. i adore the bokeh! ;D
LOVE those! Such great colors and super cute kiddos!
They turned out great:) I can't wait to see the rest!! Angie
The light in the first shot is beautiful!
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