we had to reschedule kenzie's senior session because hurricane katrandrew rolled in and made it to intense to shoot, but we did manage to grab a couple images before loading up and heading home.
amanda doesn't get jealous very often, but when i got the call from andrea and todd that it was time to shoot molly and luke's 18 month old pictures tears streamed when she found out she had to work. if you don't remember their story, amanda was molly and luke's primary care in NICU for the first months of their lives. we've gotten to see them grow from less than two pound preemies into the healthiest, cutest, and lovable 18 month olds on the planet. we love the mays family so much and are so blessed to be such a big part of their lives. a HUGE thanks to andrea and todd for letting us enjoy such special times with you guys!!
we had to get in some halloween pictures :) peter pan and tinker bell!!
amanda and i had sooooooooooo much fun shooting kimberly's senior pictures!! this was our other senior session we shot while in michigan for kelly and al's wedding. we're told kimberly was pretty nervous on the way out to our location we'd picked out for her, but after showing her some shots that were magazine worthy she must have settled in because she was incredible in front of the camera!! kimberly, if you ever want to be in front of the lens again...DEFINITELY CALL US :) we could photograph you all day!! we hope you have an amazing senior year!! keep in touch.
we're going to try and get better at showing you more behind the scenes of what it looks like to be on location at one of our shoots. typically you see "the stance" from me
amanda shooting more of the wide angle shots (i tried catching her in action but she always moves out of the way real fast thinking i'm trying to grab a shot she'll be standing in...which i guess is true although i want her in the picture also haha!!)
there's always a ton of joking, laughing, messing around, and "posing 101" done by myself which i get made fun of by every family we work with once i put my vogue on. maybe you'll get lucky and amanda can catch me in action next time.
we're off to tulsa tomorrow for a much needed date night and a killer bridal session wednesday with jill!! can't wait!!