This post is dedicated to all the babies that I take care of on a daily basis. They are the strongest human beings I have ever met in my life...yet the smallest. Most of you probably don't know...I work in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit taking care of premature babies and also big babies that may also have some problems. The super cuties in this post are a set of twins I took care if in our unit back in February. From the moment I saw them and got the opportunity to meet their parents I knew I wanted to primarily be THEIR nurse...I signed up as a primary and got the extraordinary opportunity to take care of these tiny babies for about 2 months. Unfortunately it is a rarity to find parents you get along with SO well...a lot of parents in the unit try and separate themselves from the road that lays ahead. So when you do find a pair you click hold on tight! And of course watching these tiny 2 lb. babies grow to be chunky rolly-polly's is the best. They are now doing terrific at home and are going to be 8 months old in a few weeks. Thank you Todd and Andrea for giving me the greatest gift in the world of being able to care for your miracles and for Bryan and I to both be able to capture for you, all the events that come along as they grow-up! Here are Luke and Molly...
Hey Luke! Is the game on yet?

Bryan's view

My view

They had these words sitting in their windows :)

Gotta love that huge smile

Alright, seriously. Get these kids a contract with Baby Gap!


Awww, don't cry we're just getting started!

Make her smile mom!

There we go!

Check out those peepers!

Bryan's view

We both captured some great moments!

Luke and Todd

Molly and Andrea

Gettin' sleepy

Way too cute!